
A CST approach for a client with a cranial nerve palsy (CNIII)
Efter's case study with the title:
"Successful Application of CranioSacral Therapy in a Case of Acute Ptosis Following a Covid-19 Infection"
has been published in the Journal of Transformative Touch.
It describes the case of a 49yo woman who after a Covid-19 infection, she developed ptosis or a droopy eyelid. Using CST and a specific glia protocol over 2 consecutive days, she regained her eyelid mobility in 5 days.
If you would like to read the full text, please click here:
SOMA flow
An integrated approach of Physiotherapy and CST/SER treatment
in a client with knee pain and tightness following hiking.
Natalie (not her real name) was a woman in her late 40’s, running a busy therapy practice. She was a very keen walker, cyclist and very often she would go hiking in the mountains.
Natalie went on a hiking holiday. She was doing many hours of hiking every day and everything was going well until the end of a long downhill climb where she felt that her lateral thighs and the right knee became painful and tight. Upon return and as her symptoms weren't improving, she made contact with me to have a Physiotherapy/ CST treatment.
Symptoms and pain pattern
Pain/ tightness along the lateral side of the hips, which affected the strength and
the stability of the knees, especially the right side.
From a physiotherapy point of view, both knees’ AROM was full and pain free. Ascending stairs was not a problem but descending there was difficulty with movement control focused on the right pelvis and knee.
Doing a bridge on the couch brought ache in the tail bone and decreased control of the right pelvis/ hip.
Muscle testing showed weakness of both Gluteus medius, left hamstrings and left hip flexors muscles. She was tender on the right Quadratus Lumborum (QL)/ lower back muscles and on both Iliotibial bands (ITB).
From a CST point of view, arcing showed an Energy Cyst (EC) in the left pelvis. Listening Stations (LS) showed very decreased Quality and Amplitude at the pelvis and shoulders and to a lesser extent at the heels, and thighs (left more than right).
Natalie was happy to have CST treatment and we had about 20’ left. I started working with her pelvic diaphragm first. Very quickly I was drawn to the left side; there was a lot of heat release in her lower belly and some unwinding movement in her tailbone. Slowly, it felt that my hands were coming closer to each other and there was a drop in a deeper state when Natalie said:
“ …I feel that there is something there…”
I said: is it here? emphasizing the space between my hands
“ … yes, it feels like a spot … like a ball … ”
Can you feel it fully? and as I said that my hands were drawn in even more
“ mmm … now I can … ”
What does it look like?
“ … it looks like orange … vibrating … throbbing outwards … and expanding … feels good … it feels like this place needed my attention! … ”
What does it bring to you?
“ mmm … it connects my legs with my other body ...
… my lower back … I never really thought of my lower back … and the role it plays … with my knees and my ITBs … long pause … i have ignored it ... ”
There was sadness in Natalie's face and then she took a deep breath ...
Gradually there was a change in her tissues, a sense of widening and lengthening and I asked: what’s happening now?
“ … the space is blue now and flatter and my whole pelvis feels balanced … ”
I became aware of the CSR and we finished the session with a tailbone cranial pumping to integrate the changes. There was a sense of relief and calmness in her face and her whole body.
Tools used
- Exercises from a Physiotherapy point of view.
- Diaphragm techniques: pelvis
- SER, Imagery and Dialogue
- Sacrum cranial pumping
Objective result
After the treatment I re-assessed the muscle strength of the right Gluteus medius muscle and it was fully strong. She was able to do a bridge very easily with no symptoms and showed much better control of the right pelvis/ hip.
All the Listening Stations were much improved following the treatment.
Subjective result
Natalie felt much more balanced in her body and amazed that she has found a new connection with her lower back and pelvis. She was happy to practice some bridges and to do some hip work in order to strengthen those connections further. We agreed to meet again if more input would be needed.

I have been receiving combined Physiotherapy and CST from Efter for nearly two years intermittently.
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which means my mobility is compromised with aches and pains. Sometimes inflammation occurs at the knees or hands or ankles which is crippling. Other times there is always a constant ache within my body, sleeping becomes difficult. Quite often there is fatigue where it is impossible to do anything other than stay in bed. As this is a chronic immune system disease there is no cure for it.
It is very depressing, exercises help to strengthen the muscles but what really helps me are the magic hands, “Aka”.
This treatment helps me to feel and connect to my body and ultimately to totally relax.
I feel lighter in my body and in my head and cope better the rest of the day, it is transformational.
I can’t say I totally understand it but I do feel the inner movement of the body.
In any case it really does not matter, what really matters is how wonderful I feel!
Hip hip hurray for the magic of the “hands" !
Sevil P, 72yo
Efter is a private mobile therapist covering parts of SE London.
She offers CST or Physiotherapy
or a combination of both depending on the client's needs.
She also offers multihands treatments working with other CST therapists
in SE London and in Devon.
She is a Study Group leader for the Upledger Institute and runs regular meetings for CST students in Beckenham, SE London.
She is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC),
the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) and the Cranio Sacral Society (CSS).