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​What gets in your way of moving effortlessly?​


A past injury where the symptoms got better initially, but now they are back?


A long time has passed but there's still no sufficient improvement?


Your symptoms are triggered but with very little provocation?


You've just had a recent injury and you need guidance to work with it.


Usually it is pain that gets in the way!

Because pain becomes central and makes you and your whole body move in a different way as you are trying, most of the times, to avoid it!


Imagine you have cut your thumb and  you need to open a tight jar. If you become aware of the rest of your body as you are trying to open the jar, you will notice one thing! Protecting your thumb from not hurting will make your whole body move in very different way in order to open the jar!


Try it as an experiement without cutting your thumb of course! What do you notice happening in your shoulder blade? Your neck? Your pelvis? Your legs? Your whole body moves as a unit around avoiding the pain! Which is a great short term strategy and helps the healing process.


As your thumb heals and the pain goes away you don't have to compensate anymore and all is good!

However, not all pains are as straight forward as the pain from a cut thumb.


You might have had an injury that got better and then you notice that symptoms come and go. Or perhaps, you had an injury and after sufficient time has passed, your symptoms haven't quite improved. Or you might have a symptom that comes to your awareness very easily and without a significant provocation.


In short, your body has compensated

for sometime and now it has lost its capacity to do it for any longer!

The tissues are now saturated!

And they dont speak English

but rather speak in body language! :

"I am in pain, I feel tight, I am being compressed ... "


Pain or any other symptom is your body's way of communicating. It is always better that we listen to your body and see what it needs!

How do we work with your symptoms?

​We help you understand the drive of your pain (pain education). 


We use techniques to relax the tone of the muscles and fascia,

which in turn reduces the compression on the joints

(manual therapy, fascia release, muscle energy techniques etc).


We use exercise to strengthen the functional movement patterns.


We use taping to support and facilitate movement.​​​


SOMA flow


Physiotherapy at SOMAflow helps you to re-find your flow!


Essentially, following an accident, Efter made it possible for me to walk normally again.

I severed my tendon just below the knee (quadriceps rupture with repair) and it was repaired at UCLH.
The consultant emphasised in the follow up the need to seek good physiotherapy otherwise my ability to walk properly again would be seriously impaired.

Efter has treated me so successfully so that I have fully recovered my ability to walk and for a considerable distance.
UCLH has been unstinting in its praise over my progress. Efter has a quiet and determined style laced with good humour.

Robert C, 70yo

Efter is a private mobile therapist covering parts of SE London.

She offers CST or Physiotherapy

or a combination of both depending on the client's needs.



She is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC),

the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) and the Cranio Sacral Society (CSS).

SOMA flow


07799 286 102


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