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SomatoEmotional Release (SER)

SomatoEmotional Release (SER) is a process where emotion

- which previously has been held and suppressed

within the client’s Soma (Greek for body) -

is now able to express itself.



Soma is capable of retention of energy and memory of both physical and emotional trauma. The energy and memory of the traumatic incidents can be stored in the tissues in the form of Energy Cysts. This is an attempt of the body to contain them and minimise their immediate effects.

During the SER process and as the energy of the trauma releases through the tissues, the client can re-experience the emotion and recall the memory of the past event. The SER comes from the client’s tissues or their "Inner Wisdom" and can serve as a bridge between the client’s non-conscious and conscious awareness.


This can lead to body-mind integration and realization.

The SER is a process that comes from the client's tissues.

SER can happen, when the therapist is compassionate,

neutral and non-judgemental.

Dr John Upledger

Multihands treatment: where 1+1 equals more than 2 !

Practising multihands CST

works on the premise

that 2 or more therapists

come together to support the client

and their Inner Wisdom.

It is one of the most unique aspects

of CST work, which was introduced

and practised by Dr John Upledger.


He experienced through

working this way that

“a well co-ordinated group of therapists acting as extra energy sources, extra hands and extra brains can achieve a depth of release,

that probably cannot be achieved

by a solo practitioner alone”.

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I enjoy and benefit greatly from my regular CST sessions with Efter but when I have a multi-hands session with her and another therapist, everything is taken up to another level.

For me, receiving multi-hands work allows for deeper and bigger feelings to arise and be released.


Being held by more than 1 practitioner increases the feelings of safety in me, I can lean into the extra support and this gives me the courage to delve deeper or to really stay with what arises.


In a kind and supportive way, it feels that I can’t ‘hide’ quite as easily, I can stay present in my body to do my work with the strength and support of my therapists.

I have found that multi-hands treatments can be intense, getting to deeper places quicker but always so worth it because the results have always been profound and long lasting.

Jackie E, 53yo

Efter is a private mobile therapist covering parts of SE London.

She offers CST or Physiotherapy

or a combination of both depending on the client's needs.


She also offers multihands treatments working with other CST therapists

in SE London and in Devon.


She is a Study Group leader for the Upledger Institute and runs regular meetings for CST students in Beckenham, SE London.



She is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC),

the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) and the Cranio Sacral Society (CSS).

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