
What is CranioSacral Therapy?
CranioSacral Therapy (CST)
The premise of CST is that it sees the individual as an integrated totality with inherent self-healing abilities.
Dr John Upledger
My intention is to 'blend and meld' with the client's body by using soft and non-intrusive touch. That way, I become synchronised with the client.
In other words, “my hands do what the client’s body does”.
From that point, I can connect to tissues at varying depths to assess their balance by ‘tuning in’.
Tuning in is the ability to listen to the body rhythms using intention and light touch.
When the tissues show a state of imbalance (i.e. they start twisting or bending or compressing etc.), I follow the tissues’ 3-D pattern of movement in what is termed the ‘direction of ease’.
The ‘direction of ease’ is the position or the shape that the tissues want to assume when they are supported by my hands which enables them to be most relaxed.

Over time, holding the tissues while allowing for the motions to continue, brings on ‘tissue release’.
That is felt as balancing, softening, lengthening and/or spreading of the tissues and often is followed by heat release.
Those signs signify that the ‘self-correction’ process has reached completion.
I originally came across Efter as a result of a rotator cuff injury I had 2 years ago when I was looking for a Physio who would also be able to support me around my ankylosing spondylitis which results in a variety of mobility issues from time to time.
She is a wonderful therapist with unique gifts. I see her once or twice per month (or more if I have a specific injury).
The combination of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), and physiotherapy when necessary, has kept me fully mobile and mentally and physically well balanced over the last few years.
Efter has changed my attitude to my health and has empowered me to focus on my well-being. Her treatments have helped me to understand how my body works. I now feel as though I have been able to integrate my body with my mind instead of viewing them as separate and disconnected.
I look forward to my sessions with Efter and always leave feeling empowered and back in control of my well-being.
I would wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone who wants to treat their mind and body in a holistic manner.
Susan P, 60yo

Efter is a private mobile therapist covering parts of SE London.
She offers CST or Physiotherapy
or a combination of both depending on the client's needs.
She also offers multihands treatments working with other CST therapists
in SE London and in Devon.
She is a Study Group leader for the Upledger Institute and runs regular meetings for CST students in Beckenham, SE London.
She is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC),
the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) and the Cranio Sacral Society (CSS).